Life is full!
Wouldn't it be wonderful to post a pictorial diary of life, a snapshot summary, capturing forever our memories of the day-to-day?! Join us as we pursue this valuable discipline for several reasons:
Take a peek or link up here.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to post a pictorial diary of life, a snapshot summary, capturing forever our memories of the day-to-day?! Join us as we pursue this valuable discipline for several reasons:
- For one, it's a visual reminder of God's goodness and faithfulness to our families.
- Secondly, It's how we come to really notice the beautiful of our every day.
- Third, it's what we do with our pictures so they don't just sit hidden, alone and neglected on our hard drive. :) Someday, I'll print these posts off and have them bound in a book... maybe each child will end up with their own copy?
- It's also a meme, which means it's open to anyone who wants to do it too and link up posts with mine! Participating in a meme is a fun way to share and create community :)
Take a peek or link up here.